Car Repair Payment Plans During Covid-19
Covid-19 has disrupted everyone’s daily lives. For several months no one has left their house. This has decreased the use of your vehicle to a minimum. With the kids not going to school and the people not going to their jobs, cars are just sitting idle in their garages. We all are aware of car maintenances when we use our car in daily life, but the cars need maintenance even when they are stationary.
Many car garages are following the rules issued by the government regarding covid-19. You can get your car maintained without any risks. They are also providing auto repair payment plans for people who are suffering financially due to corona.
Choosing a garage is a very difficult decision as you should fully trust the car service station to send your car for servicing. If you want to get your car repaired or serviced, you can visit our website. Our company Manyautos is a trustworthy and reliable car repair shop. We follow all the SOP’s regarding covid-19 and also offer a car repair pay later service for you.
Why maintenance is important?
A stationary car can cause damages to the parts which will result in very expensive repairs later on. You cannot ignore the maintenance of your car even when you are not using it. Over time the parts of your car will wear out leaving you with just a body of the car which doesn’t work.
Some parts of the car which need service when stationary is
Check the tire’s pressure
One of the most important things to look after is tires. They might start losing pressure when they are not used for a long time. A flat spot will be formed on your tires where your car is in contact with the ground. A good practice is to take your car for a drive once a week. The tires will wear less if they are used once in a while. If you haven’t maintained your car, then take it to the nearby garage and get it repaired before taking it out to drive when the covid-19 lockdown ends.
Maintain the braking system
The proper working of brakes is important for a safe drive. Faulty brakes can cause life-threatening accidents. It is advised to keep a close check on the parts of the braking system especially brake fluid. Check it and refill it if the level of fluid is less. Drive your car once or twice a week so the brakes keep working properly.
Keep the battery charged
The battery can die if it isn’t used for a longer period. It might happen that after the covid, you try to start your car but it doesn’t work. It can be due to the dead battery. You must keep them charged. That can happen when you drive your car for a little while once a week. if your car is not starting, you can call a mechanic at your doorstep or contact a garage for their picking service.
Check the fluids
The fluids in your car can start to separate when the car is not being used. They can cause damage to other parts of the car as well. You must change the fluids of your car. you should check the level of the fluids in daily life as well. The level shouldn’t be too low or your car won’t work properly.
You can benefit from the car repair payment plans offered by the car repair shops and get your car serviced. Some of them offer a payment holiday in which you can pay your dues after 6 months. The rest of them offer the vehicle servicing installments plan in which you can do your payment in 4 or 6 months’ installments.