How To Carry Out a MOT On a Car Safely During Covid-19
Staying at your home and doing social distancing is ideal but it is also compulsory to fulfill your job. You can do your job and stay safe as well. It is the responsibility of the employer to provide a safe and secure workplace for the employees.
There are so many things that can be done to ensure a germ-free environment. The main thing is that everyone follows rules and works accordingly.
If you to get your MOT done, you can book a test online. Our company Manyautos is affiliated with the best car repair garages across the United Kingdom. We have our MOT test centers with DVSA approved examiners. We also provide the collection and delivery service for the customers that are too busy to bring their car to the garage. Our team will collect your car from a place of your choice at a pre-decided time and they will deliver it back to you after it has been serviced.
Follow these government guidelines to carry out a MOT on a car safely during covid-19. You must follow these instructions to ensure a safe and secure environment.
Manage risk
It is the employer’s responsibility to provide a safe and secure environment for the workers and customers. Coronavirus is a hazard and it should be treated just like any other workplace issue.
1. The employer should make sure that all the rules related to social distancing and sanitization should be implemented.
2. Hand washing and surface cleaning frequency should be increased.
3. Any employee who has symptoms of coronavirus and is self-isolating, should not be called into work.
4. Proper hand, face coverings, and PPE should be provided for the workers.
5. People should work in small groups with fixed partners.
Decide who should go to work
1. The employers should decide that who should come to work on which day.
2. Only allow the number of people that can be easily accommodated in the workplace.
3. The physical and mental well-being of a worker is the responsibility of the employer. They should make sure that all the safety measures are taking place.
4. Extra attention should be paid to the individuals who are more prone to getting infected like old age people or sick people.
5. They need to make sure that if any employee has any symptoms of covid-19 like high temperature or breathing issue then should be isolated for 10 to 15 days.
Put social distancing in place
1. Social distancing should be implemented at all times. Everyone should have a distance of at least 2m or 1m and the employer should make sure of that.
2. People should be appointed entrance and departure times so any kind of interaction or crowd can be avoided.
3. You can avoid congestion by having more entry points in the workplace.
4. Stop using things that require touch like keypads.
5. Sanitizers should be available at all the counters so anyone can easily use them.
6. Reducing the use of a vehicle for onsite travel.
7. Using screens as a physical barrier between workers.
Manage customers, visitors, and contractors
A list of all the visitors should be kept. It is a better option to arrange meetings in advance. Only allowing the people inside who have an appointment. In this way, overlapping can be avoided and the place would not get crowded. Despite all this, some rules should be followed to stay safe from covid-19.
1. Limit the number of visitors.
2. Inform everyone about the rules regarding social distancing and face coverings, when they enter the garage.
3. They should use the sanitizer that is placed at every counter in the workplace and also follows the handwashing technique.
4. You can hire a person who can act as a host and fulfill the responsibility of telling everyone about the rules upon their arrival.
5. The entry and exit points should be reviewed so long queues can be avoided and the people have minimum interaction.
A clean workplace
You need to make sure the place is clean and safe enough to be open.
Keeping the workplace clean
Keep the workplace clean and avoid transmission of germs from contaminated surfaces. For this purpose, you can follow these instructions:
1. Frequently clean the equipment after every use.
2. Clean the places efficiently that are used regularly like the surfaces, handles, doors, water coolers, as they have a higher chance of transmitting germs.
3. Everyone should clean the area after their shift.
4. Extra recycling bins should be set in the garage so people can get rid of the used masks or PPE’s.
Hygiene and sanitization
Keeping the workplace is important but a person’s hygiene and cleanliness are also necessary.
1. The workplace should have proper handwashing technique signs or posters to spread awareness among the workers.
2. They should be advised to avoid touching their face and use a tissue to cough or sneeze.
3. There should sign to remind people to keep their hygiene maintenance in check.
4. Hand sanitizers should be provided at multiple places in the workplace and everyone should use them.
5. They should sanitize their hands and workstations before and after doing the work.
6. Crowded areas should be cleaned more thoroughly.
Handling goods, equipment, and onsite vehicles
1. All the shared equipment should be cleaned and sanitized after every use.
2. All the vehicle that enters the garage should be sanitized before and after the servicing. Special attention should be given to the places that are high in contacts like the handles or the steering etc.
Wear face coverings for safety
Protective equipment
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is necessary, but covid-19 is a different kind of workplace difficulty that needs to be handled by sanitization, social distancing, face and hand covering.
PPE cannot help in lowering the risk of the corona, but it can save you from unnecessary harm. It is the employer’s responsibility to provide the proper PPE and follow the proper SOPs to stay safe from covid-19.
Face covering and sanitization
Face coverings are not the main thing for managing risks, but they can be worn in places where social distancing cannot be implemented. People are taking important measures to stay safe from corona, but they cannot sit inside the house. They must get out and go to work. Although social distancing and all other safety measures are being implemented in the garages if the place is small and people cannot implement social distancing, then they should wear masks to prevent themselves from catching any kind of germs.
Some rules should be followed by the employees when wearing a face mask
1. They should wash their hands before and after wearing the mask.
2. They should not touch the mask or their face, as they have the risk of transmitting germs.
3. They should change the mask if it becomes damp or if they touch the mask.
4. Change or wash the covering daily.
5. Wash hands regularly.
The most important thing is safety. Everyone is suffering from covid-19 and we can only get through this is if we help and support each other. Nothing can be done if the person’s health is not good. We need to help ensure the safety of all the workers. The employers are obligated to follow all these instructions for the benefit of the employees.